Welcome to Miss Gidas' math blog! Please check this blog for class updates such as homework assignments, quiz and test date announcements, and links to homework answers. Let's have a successful year together!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Homework due 02/03

Finish practice problems if you did not finish in class...

page 497 #4-6, 8, 23-24, 26-27


  1. Ms. Gidad, I have been unable to reach the 3rd video for nearly an hour. For some reason it has not been available on the Edpuzzle app the entire time, no matter what I try. I don't know i I'm ding something wrong, or I need to use the website instead, but I will not give up.

    1. Oops, I didnt mean to misspell you name

  2. Hayden, I have heard from other students as well that the video is not showing up. I am canceling tonight's homework since I am unable to try to reload the video from home. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
